Email CampaignsWebsite CampaignsICEF InsightsBuild Your Own Campaigns

Market Intelligently

Reach the industry's largest global network of executive staff and decision makers, via the #1 source of market intelligence for international student recruitment.

Who you can reach

Weekly highlights email stats




Open Rate


Engagement Rate stats


Monthly Unique Visitors


Executives / Senior Staff


Repeat Visits

Where are our subscribers?

Top 15 Subscriber Countries

Top 15 Agents

1. India
2. Canada
3. Australia
4. Nepal
5. Nigeria
6. Brazil
7. Vietnam
8. Russia
9. UK
10. China
11. Pakistan
12. Turkey
13. Bangladesh
14. Japan
15. Colombia

Top 15 Educators

1. USA
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Australia
5. New Zealand
6. Spain
7. France
8. Germany
9. Ireland
10. UAE
11. India
12. Italy
13. Malaysia
14. Switzerland
15. South Korea

Subscribers' Job Titles

Subscribers by Sector

Newsletter Subscribers

Email Campaigns:
Reach them in their inbox

The ICEF Monitor Weekly Highlights email is sent to a global subscriber base of 40,000+ industry executives and senior staff. With average open rates that exceed 40%, and CTRs that can reach 6%, this highly targeted and engaged audience will help reset your expectations for campaign performance and click-throughs. 

Weekly Takeover - €2,450 

Make an impact.

Be the exclusive advertiser in the ICEF Monitor Weekly Highlights email. Two prominently positioned, double-height banners give you the space and the attention to promote your brand.

Buy two and receive a 30% discount

Message Takeover - €3,950

Explain yourself.

Include a message of up to 50 words to really describe your proposition and entice readers to your website or landing page. Use the double-height banners to build brand awareness.

Buy two and receive a 30% discount

Advertising on ICEF Monitor was a great way to reach agents we might not be dealing with yet. The Monitor is an excellent source of insight and leveraging that credibility allowed us to get the word out about how great Wellington is as a study destination.

Study in Wellington,

New Zealand

Custom Email Campaigns - €7,200 

Achieve specific goals.

Sent to ICEF’s global network of more than 60 000 active industry contacts. This recipient list can be segmented by region, country, sector, or otherwise, according to the sponsor’s requirements, at no additional cost. Each email is sent at least twice, with the second send typically going ten days later to all those in the recipient list that did not yet open the first message. 

The custom mailers from ICEF Monitor and advertising on ICEF’S newsletters have been a great success. We saw real results with clicks and impressions. Also, working with the ICEF team has been great. They are very supportive, consistently delivering to their promises, and happy to assist us with any campaign.

Flywire, USA

Website Campaigns:
Reach them in their inbox and search results

Sponsored Articles - €4,200

A feature article of up to 1,000 words written by ICEF Monitor in collaboration with you. This article will be hosted on a dedicated section of, providing extra visibility as well as a high quality referral link - great for the SEO of your website. 

Article + Weekly Takeover - €5,450

Drive traffic to your article by including a snippet and link in the ICEF Monitor Weekly Highlights email, which reaches 40,000+ subscribers. 9 out of 10 of Monitor subscribers are decision makers in their organisations.

Over the years, working with ICEF Monitor has not only helped us position ourselves at the forefront of the education sector but also played a crucial role in our business growth. We look forward to many more years of collaboration and mutual success.


Montreal, QC

Article + Custom Email Campaign - €10,500 

Prove your thought leadership credentials by putting your Sponsored Article directly in front of ICEF’s global network of more than 60 000 active industry contacts, and because it is a Custom Email Campaign, the recipient list can be tailored to your specific requirements.

ICEF Monitor is a great tool for you to get to know what is going on in the industry. There are a lot of businesses; service providers, schools and agents around the world that have news - and ICEF Monitor is just a curation of all of that important news that you have to read.

Sidekick /

Euro Asia Pay,


Website Campaigns:
Reach them on their screens

Advertisement displays on - these prominent ad positions rotate across all pages on ICEF Monitor.  Campaigns are booked for specific time periods, with a limited number active at one time, and a minimum booking period of one month. 

Top Skyscraper - €1,250 / 1 month 

This ad will be positioned on the top section of the article for 1 month.

Book with ICEF event for 25% OFF.

Bottom Skyscraper - €850 / 1 month

This ad will be positioned in the middle section of the article for 1 month.

Book with ICEF event for 25% OFF.

Advertising on ICEF Monitor has been successful for us, especially this year with the launch of our new Results Verification Service. The click-throughs and conversions have been very positive. It’s a great platform for us to reach a wide audience of agents and international educators!


Assessment English, UK

Category Takeover - €2,500 /
1 month

These targeted campaigns link your display advertising to a specific category or country on ICEF Monitor - visit our website here and click on “Category” and “Regions” located on the menu bar for a complete overview of available options.

Your advertisement will appear exclusively on all pages that are tagged with that category or country keyword. Each page will also feature an integrated sponsor mention and link above each article headline.

For me as the founder of Expatrio it‘s important to be always up to date regarding the international education market and its trends. ICEF Monitor offers it all in one place, saving my time and allowing me to be more efficient at work.

Expatrio Global



ICEF Insights:
In their hands and on their screens

ICEF Insights magazine is the must-read annual publication for international education professionals, and with its clear focus on the issues and trends that are shaping our sector.

Growth targets are still key, but for many destinations and recruiters the focus is shifting this year to place a greater emphasis on quality in international student recruitment. Quality in terms of student qualifications, diversity by country of origin and field of study, recruiting standards and quality assurance, and student services.

The 2025 edition focuses on the shift from quantity to quality:

  • Recruiting for Student Fit: A special feature shining a spotlight on educators’ strategies for managing growth and building sustainable enrolments.
  • Grading the Regulators: Government policy around student visas and work rights have had a massive shaping effect on international student markets this year. 
  • The new competitive landscape: How is destination competitiveness changing in 2024 and 2025?
  • Anatomy of a better payment service: Exploring contemporary approaches and services that make student payments easier
  • Changes in Global Student Flows. Where are students coming from now? And next?
  • Illustrated map feature: Highlighting national recruitment strategies and key components thereof in key study destinations.
  • Facts and figures: A round up of notable stats and indicators. 

What you'll get:

1. Ad in print magazine

2. Ad in digital magazine

3. Ad on

ICEF Insights magazine offers unrivalled reach for your brand:

  • Print edition given to 6000 industry leaders, including a targeted mailing direct to the top 4,000 agents worldwide
  • Digital edition emailed to 60,000 industry professionals
  • Cross promotion with a display advertisement on targeted to its audience of 200k unique visitors each month
  • A full 12 months of incredible visibility for your brand
Magazine Ad Size
Price (€)
Half Page
Full Page
Double Page Spread
Inside Back Cover
Inside Front Cover
Back Cover
8520 (Sold Out)
Sponsored Article

Build your brand with a campaign

People engage with brands they recognise and trust, and an ICEF Monitor campaign is an excellent way to build or reinforce brand awareness with industry decision makers.

To date, more than 300 organisations and institutions have used ICEF Monitor to help them stand out in a competitive marketplace. 

Your ICEF Account Manager is an expert in how to effectively allocate your budget for maximum return on investment. Ask them to prepare a customised campaign for you, or email us and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

Who advertises with us: